Fort Dodgers
Drivers: Matt & Matt
2 Matts Are Better Than 1
Think of a large vehicle...even of the largest you have seen, how about a six door Ford F-650! Matt Johnson (Fort Dodge Ford Toyota) and Matt Bemrich (Bemrich Electric) are thrilled to explore our great country!
GFDGA's mission is to unify and coordinate economic and community development to enhance quality of life in the region!
Matt and Matt are proud residents of Fort Dodge, IA and excited to experience the adventure and positive impact of Fireball Run!
Matt Johnson just finished his term as president of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance and can be found serving customers and employees at his family business, Fort Dodge Ford Toyota. Outside of work he enjoys life with his wife Abigail and their infant daughter, Isabella.
Matt Bemrich is in his second term as Mayor of Fort Dodge, IA. When he isn't leading our wonderful community forward, he can be found in his family business, Bemrich Electric. Matt enjoys time with his wife, Michelle, and their three sons Carter, Grant, and Jackson.
Both Matts are honored to represent Fort Dodge and raise awareness for missing children. Let the games begin!!!